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horizontal screen中文是什么意思

用"horizontal screen"造句"horizontal screen"怎么读"horizontal screen" in a sentence


  • 平面筛
  • 水平筛


  • Block - eccentric and self - synchronization type horizontal screen
  • The horizontal screen coordinate
  • Compared to horizontal screens , the inclined screens need less power thanks to the 15 - degree slope and gravity effect . vibrating screen . horizontal vibrationg screen
  • Pocket universe is a rss reader , and built a number of rss sources , cmnet cmwap support such connections linking pc update on the horizontal screen display smartphone vga qvga wm5 2003 different environment and to have a good support we will be l
    掌上乾坤是一个rss阅读器,内置多家rss源,支持cmnet cmwap连接pc等连接方式进行更新,对vga qvga横屏显示smartphone和wm5 2003等不同的环境均具有著良好的支持,我们将会寻求更多的合作,以提供更多的资源和大家分
  • Minyu low head screens are horizontal screens to which an extremely powerful linear vibrating motion is imparted by two unbalanced eccentric shafts and weights . the screens ecciciently handle a large amount of materials . resist clogging , and suit best for classifying small granules . some features of the mlh screen are as follws
用"horizontal screen"造句  


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